Martes, Oktubre 8, 2013

** Let's Draft #1 - Round 1: First Bans **

** Let's Draft #1 - Round 1: First Bans **

Giving a shot at the community draft game of Outpicked here on Facebook. This is how it works. You get to vote and decide on the draft. Once it is complete, we can play out a lobby game with volunteers. Should be fun.

First Ban: Dire
Hero Pool:
Round Ends In: ~6 hours from now. Late comments won't be counted.

How To Play?

1. You make a comment deciding the Dire First Ban if you want to draft for Dire. Top liked comment will be the first ban for this draft. You are free to explain your pick so others can understand and support your choice.
2. If you want to ban for the Radiant, REPLY to any of the Dire bans and the top liked Radiant ban on the Top Dire comment will be the first ban for Radiant.

Be sure to check if the hero you want to ban is already posted. You might want to LIKE that rather than make a comment yourself to show your support. Go Go!

NOTE: I am trying this out on an experimental note at the moment. If it gets too complicated to host here on Facebook, I'll discontinue. But let's hope for the best.

Dota 2 Feeds xD

** Dota 2 Art Spotlight - October 8, 2013 **
Dota 2 School by unknown | via Reddit. Love the detail on this one.

Dota 2 Google Maps (where is this place?) 

source: Wykrhm Reddy

** Dota 2 Cosmetic Spotlight - October 8, 2013 **

** Dota 2 Cosmetic Spotlight - October 8, 2013 **

Coco, the Courageous by JFletcho | Top notch courier. Nothing not to like. You can show support for it on the Workshop at


True courage is not how high you can hold a sword but how high you can hold your spirit... And sometimes, even the strongest of heroes need their spirit boosted! Introducing Coco, a courageous courier of the Redpaw Brewery, determined to bring brew to the battlefield at any cost! No longer shall a heroes thirst go unquenched! The call for brew is sacred and by oath it must be upheld! The brew must flow.

Source :Wykrhm Reddy

Lunes, Setyembre 30, 2013

Dota 2

It's time for a change...It's more fun in Dota2...More Items...Good players...Less quitter! 

    How It Works

1. Get Dota 2 on Steam

Visit the Dota 2 Steam page and click the 'Get Dota 2' button. For now, you'll be added to the launch queue, and we'll email you when we are ready for you to come play. The volume of players let in will gradually increase so we can spread the launch load out over time.

2. Sharpen your skills in the New User Experience

Once you're in, you can get a feel for what Dota 2 is all about by playing through the tutorial. After you've mastered some of the basics of the game, we have AI controlled bots for you to battle against, which can be set to a number of different skill levels. You can even grab a group of friends to play against the bots. It's a great way to get started playing Dota 2 and figuring out who will be your first favorite hero.

3. Let the games begin!

Once you are ready to start playing full games via matchmaking, we'll keep an eye on how you're doing and make sure that you're playing against other players of your skill level. There is also a party system, so you and up to four of your friends can all play together on the same team.

The International 2013
August 19, 2013 - Dota Team


Thanks to everyone who viewed, visited, or played The International this year. With all of your help, it was a huge success. Congratulations to this year’s Champions, Alliance, and the two runner-ups Na’Vi and Orange. It was a great field of 17 teams that made every game from the first to the last exciting to watch.

Over one million people viewed streams of The International with hundreds of thousands more watching it on TV in China and Sweden. We also had over 40 countries participate in PubStomps around the world that involved tens of thousands of spectators.

For those Compendium owners that helped push the prize pool into the stratosphere – $2.8 million – The Compendium fantasy rewards will be coming soon.

There are so many words of thanks we could say, but we thought the best way was to share some of the pictures of the event. Not just from Benaroya Hall but from around the world.


Like we mentioned before, the launch of Dota 2 is going to take on a different shape than products we've shipped in the past. Our thinking is that we want the existing audience to have uninterrupted access during the launch, in addition to bringing new players into Dota 2 in a way that isn't frustrating. Simply put, we want to smooth out the traditional launch spike, but at the same time allow anyone to come in and try out Dota 2.

Dota 2's user base is already larger than any game we've ever made, and it continues to grow. Knowing this launch moment was coming, we've spent the past year working on getting both the backend infrastructure and new user experience into a state where we can welcome in anyone that wants to give the game a try. With that work now complete, it is time for us to invite anyone and everyone to come play.

If you want to give Dota a try, or you have a friend you want to bring into the community, click the button above and you can get in the launch queue. You'll see your place in line, and when it is your turn we'll send you an email letting you know you're in. We'll begin sending those emails this week.

We also have an update from our world-travelling server installation team, who in addition to achieving triple diamond platinum/uranium/aegis level frequent flyer status, also have added significant game server capacity. Most of this trip has been to add capacity to Stockholm and Luxembourg, but we've also recently added servers to US West and our new cluster in Korea. Don't worry if your cluster isn't listed here, we're ready to add as many servers as needed as the user base grows. Here are some photos from the Luxembourg datacenter:

These servers represent the ability to host an additional 450,000 players concurrently. Figuring out how much capacity to add, and where, is one important aspect of this launch. For the stats people out there, concurrent numbers are more useful when predicting what capacity we need for specific regions, because Dota players in the same region tend to play during similar hours. Our worldwide active user base is roughly twelve times the peak concurrency.

Hopefully the Dota 2 beta has been as fun for you as it has been for us. While it has come to an end, we'll be building the game for a long time, and listening to what direction to take.